Three years in the making, Tony’s new book, Stay Above It All ~ The 11th Intent of The Code: Merlin and Arthur on Power, Precipitation, Pandemics and Manifesting the Best Outcomes You Can Imagine is now available.

We are giving this important book away for free at this time in the Spirit of helping our readers deal in a positive way with the issues facing humanity today. 247 pages. Ebook (PDF) only. Preview.

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An Excerpt

Merlin Tells Arthur About the Grail

A: “If what you say is true, Merlin, I’ve spent a lot of energy in my previous lifetimes on battlefields, in combat. Why is it, then, that I have such an aversion to harming others in this life?”

M: “This lifetime is different for you, Arthur. Your soul has graduated, so to speak, from soldiering. You have killed and been killed in war after war, lifetime after lifetime, so much so that you have gained the wisdom of no longer needing to take part in such senseless activities, activities that do not further your education or your evolution.”

A: “I don’t feel so evolved, Merlin. But I do feel merciful and compassionate toward my fellowman, whether they’re a friend or an enemy. I can’t explain it, but taking the life of another, or harming anyone in any way, just doesn’t feel right to me.”

M: “Nor should it, my young friend. There is a simple formula to understand, even though most people in your world still don’t get it: If you don’t Support Life — and that includes no longer supporting any person or regime that advocates opposing or harming anyone or destroying the Earth in the name of self-serving profit, and so forth — then you are endangering yourselves as a species. In every instance, throughout all of physical creation, whenever a species has unconsciously turned against itself by destroying its own, that species has gone to dust. That’s why we’re here now, Arthur. You and I and many others who truly care about the well-being of their fellowmen and women have come back into this Earthly realm at this pivotal time in history to save mankind from destroying itself.”

A: “And just how are we supposed to do that, Merlin? If I’m going to be a king again, how do I rule the people without having to kill anyone, like I did in the past?”

M: “That’s the best question you could have asked, Arthur! And the answer is: In this lifetime, you’re going to be a different kind of king, the kind of king humanity hasn’t seen for over two thousand years. In your kingdom you will set an example on behalf of peace and Supporting Life. You will Stay Above It All and not kill another person, ever! You will dispense mercy and the people will see your example and begin to throw down their guns and weapons, and rise up to help one another instead.”

At this very moment you are creating with your thoughts,
with your words, with your actions.
You are constantly creating the world around you.

The 11th Intent

 Stay Above It All

I am present and perfect in this moment.

My judgments and reactions in check, I forgive myself and everyone else.

Now I am innocent, free and at peace, untouched forever by the ways of the world.

I am Immortal Spirit


I Stay Above It All!

Excellent beyond definition…!! Tony, thank you for the gifts you’ve prepared for those hearts and minds who are open and hungry for a tether to something beyond their mortal means, something real, something worth knowing. This work of literature for the Highest Good is a cornerstone of the New Renaissance and will be read by many future generations to come, shining Light upon darkened paths, fostering a knowing that leads the individual to personal triumph!

Wonderful writing!! “Stay Above It All” is an entertaining story that informs, teaches and enlightens the reader…genuinely a joy to read, and to incorporate into daily living.

Dan Minear

Indianapolis, IN

“Stay Above It All”, Tony Burroughs’ latest book, is an extra-ordinary read for Truth seekers and anyone wanting a better life in any way! He pierces the veil of numerous “untruths” that we’ve been programmed to believe for decades. This book has the potential for changing the direction humanity is going if enough readers have the courage to put aside there present belief system…and read it with an openness to profound Truths that can reveal an entirely new world of thinking, feeling and living.


Sharon Ann Wikoff

Mt Shasta, CA

Tony and All Involved,
Stay Above It All is really fabulous.
What an excellent job.
Thank you so much.
Felt so good to read it and have THE TRUTH right there in print, about the plandemic, the manipulation, the made up germs, the gov pawns, controllers, and the aliens who don’t care about the Greater Good of All.
My intending friends and I are right there with you!
Thank you so much!


Carolyn Williams