The Law of Agreement Ebook
The Law of Agreement Ebook by Tony Burroughs shows you how to Take Your Own Power Back! It points out that we always have the choice whether to agree with someone or something and thus begin creating whatever we’re agreeing with – or, we can withhold our agreement from ideas and beliefs that don’t serve us or our fellow travelers, and thus not reinforce or create them. Our agreement is our point of power. Discover the True Power of Your Intentions by putting The Law of Agreement to use in your life! Immediate Download!
This Book is also available in Print.
“The Law of Agreement should be required reading in every classroom in the country!” ~Frank Slagle, Mystic Forest Bookstore, Mountain Home, AR
“I love this book! I wish everyone would read it! Out beyond the law of attraction is The Law of Agreement having our world work for all of us. This beautiful, powerful, and joy filled book teaches us very simply and clearly how we can make it happen.” ~ Jo Ann Rotermund — speaker, workshop leader, and author of The Forgiveness Habit
“Tony Burroughs brings visionary information to his readers in clear, comprehensible terms. This book will help you understand and apply the new paradigm principles that will usher you into The Intuition Age. These are skills that pertain to working with energy and awareness, and they will make life much easier for you!” ~Penney Peirce, author of Frequency and The Intuitive Way
The Law of Agreement Ebook shows you how to Take Your Own Power Back! Discover the True Power of Your Intentions by putting The Law of Agreement to use in your life! The Law of Agreement is superfood for the mind and written from the heart. Chock full of new stories and brand new information, it takes up where the other Intenders books leave off. Immediate Download!
This Book is also available in Print.
"The Law of Agreement should be required reading in every classroom in the country!" ~Frank Slagle, Mystic Forest Bookstore, Mountain Home, AR
"I love this book! I make margin notes as I read a book, and I count 45 places where I wrote Yes! or Wow! or Right! or Insightful!, etc. Because it goes a long way toward making the world a better place, The Law of Agreement may be one of the most important books you will ever read." ~Wilma E. Bennett, Ph.D., author of Vibrations: A Visitor's Guide to Planet Earth
"Bravo! Once again, Tony Burroughs is way ahead of his time with a unique perspective about one of the most powerful, yet rarely talked about, phenomena of our lives. The Law of Agreement gives the reader an enlightened window on something that rules every aspect of life: the 'agreements' we make with ourselves concerning what we believe about life. This is a must read book for anybody seeking clarity and exponential growth on their life journey." ~Richard D. Blackstone, author of Nuts & Bolts Spirituality and Waking up the Sleepwalkers
"The beauty of The Law of Agreement is in the grace of the writer. Tony Burroughs writing style is joyful; you can feel it when you read his words. Indeed, Tony has given us a moment to pause and recognize that we do not have to agree with the status quo when it is not in our best interests. We can withhold our agreements and know that the changes we seek in our lives can truly be realized by making new agreements. In this way, The Law of Agreement has become an operational manual for our daily interactions." ~Karen Monteverdi, author of Living Consciously In An Ego Driven Society
"I love this book! I wish everyone would read it! Out beyond the law of attraction is The Law of Agreement having our world work for all of us. This beautiful, powerful, and joy filled book teaches us very simply and clearly how we can make it happen." ~ Jo Ann Rotermund -- speaker, workshop leader, and author of The Forgiveness Habit
"Tony Burroughs brings visionary information to his readers in clear, comprehensible terms. This book will help you understand and apply the new paradigm principles that will usher you into The Intuition Age. These are skills that pertain to working with energy and awareness, and they will make life much easier for you!" ~Penney Peirce, author of Frequency and The Intuitive Way
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