The Intenders of the Highest Good

The Intenders Newsletter

October 2021 New Moon

Table of Contents

~Mind Decides, Body Complies
~The Calm in the Storm
~Arguing for Our Suffering
~Dealing with Dramas
~The Intenders Handbooks Quartet Sale
~About the Intenders

A Conversation ~ Mind Decides, Body Complies

M: There's a moment when we choose our sicknesses, when we say to ourselves, “Oh, I could catch that. I could be next.” Even though we may have forgotten about it, there was a fleeting instant, perhaps long ago, when we told ourself, “There's a sickness going around. If I'm not careful and take precautions, I could get it. I could get sick!”

A: That makes no sense at all! We don't have a choice whether we get sick or not.

M: On the contrary, my friend. We do! We are not victims of the world around us unless we allow ourselves to be. As A Course in Miracles says, “Sickness is an election; a decision.”

A: Well, (sniffling a bit) I don't remember ever choosing to be sick.

M: Ah, but you did. You told yourself – and you're still telling yourself – that you could catch whatever appears to be “going around”. Remember in our previous conversations we agreed that all of our experiences started out in our mind. It doesn't matter whether we're thinking about sicknesses, or scarcity, or going shopping. Every manifestation, every experience, good or bad, first took place in our thoughts.

A: So, you're saying that every sick person out there, chose his/her illness, yes? Why would anyone do that? It's insane!

M: No question about it, my friend. It's madness in the extreme. And yet, humanity continues to this day to argue on behalf of its sicknesses, its suffering and its limitations.

A: Hmmm. Can you give me some clarity?

M: Okay. Imagine that you just got yourself a cold drink after a long, hot day at work and you sat down to watch TV for a little while. You flip on the nightly news, and a serious-looking woman is talking excitedly about the disease that's going around. She says it's getting worse, spreading rapidly, and she spouts all sorts of scary statistics while running stock footage in the background of hospital corridors filled to capacity. All the while, she's implying that you could be next. You could catch this highly contagious illness she's talking about.

Now . . . whether you know it or not, this is a pivotal moment in your life. While you're casually sipping your iced tea, if, in the least way, you agree with this serious anchorwoman, then you have just made a choice, not on behalf of your wellness, but on behalf of the disease. From that point on, your body will begin to manifest what your mind tells it to. Understand?

A: Whew! This is heavy! I've got to digest it for awhile. So . . . are you saying that our body has nothing to do with choosing its health or its sicknesses?

M: That's absolutely correct. The body can't choose anything. The mind decides and the body complies. It's never the other way around. It all boils down to our old friend, the Law of Attraction – which states that our thoughts are attracting our experiences – is true and correct, or it isn't.

A: Ok. One more time, if you please. You're telling me that everyone who is sick has decided at one time or another that they could get sick. Otherwise, they would be happy and well. Is that right?

M: Yes. As we've said several times now, everything happens in our thoughts first. If we believe otherwise – that our experiences, including our sicknesses, have nothing to do with our thoughts – then we open ourselves up to all sorts of future issues we'd wish we never would have had to deal with. But . . . if we're willing to entertain the idea that our thoughts come first, as the Law of Attraction states, then we can effectively remove ourselves from harm's way.

A: And how do we do that?

M: That's the best question you could have asked! And the answer is: Every time we have a thought that we could catch something from someone else and get sick, we must immediately do one of two things. Either we disregard that ugly, negative thought altogether by forgiving it and letting it go – or we balance it out by applying the opposite, positive response.

A: Which is?

M: I am well! I am fine! I am in perfect health for the whole of my life. I choose wellness. I choose the best possible outcome I can imagine, which is: I am in excellent health, now and forevermore.

A: That's all there is to it? I can do that!

M: Of course, you can! Oh, and by the way, there is one more thing you could do that would help you immensely . . .

A: And what's that?

M: Turn off the TV news.

Whatever we put our attention on;
that's what we're becoming.

The Calm in the Storm

Everything's changing. Much of what we've come to rely on in our everyday lives is fast becoming obsolete and going away. The news is frightening on so many levels that we have to ask ourselves how do we navigate these changing, uncharted waters. To this, the Intenders offer a road to peace, perhaps not to an immediate outer peace because the world has its own agendas, but to a welcoming inner peace that overrides all the gyrations of the world.

We say, “Make your intentions. Do it everyday. Don't hold back. Learn to trust that your thoughts and words have power – and that as you point them in a positive direction, you will manifest all that you need regardless of your surroundings, regardless of what others are doing or saying, regardless of the worldly news.” The Intention Process works whether you're in a calm or in a storm. You can still manifest your needs and sail through these times of transition to that which lies beyond. For that which follows the storm of the current worldly transition is a golden age which patiently awaits upon humanity to come together on behalf of the Highest Good of all.

Indeed, a Golden Age of Manifestation is coming. It's guaranteed. You can't miss it. The only question is whether you, as an individual, will join the herd as it prepares to jump off the nearest cliff, or you will learn to manifest with deliberate intent and enjoy the most rewarding ride life has to offer.

Times of great change are times of great opportunity.
Sublime states of Being are available now
to all who choose to love one another.
TB 10/5/21

Arguing for Our Suffering

Although usually quite talkative, BJ could be a man of few words, as well. One evening after work, we were sitting on the old Hawaiian rock wall that skirts around the City of Refuge on the Kona coast. We were waiting to see the green flash which often accompanies the sunset on the leeward side of the Big Island. I'd mentioned that I had a new lady friend who always seemed to be talking about her problems. If it wasn't her money issues, it was her health, or her car needing repairs, and on and on. It seemed like whenever I brought up ideas that could help her out and rid her of her issues, she threw up barriers, barriers that were insurmountable, according to her.

“Sounds like your new friend is deeply attached to her problems. It doesn't look like she's ready to let them go anytime soon.”

“True,” I said. “She's holding onto her stuff like it's gold. I want to help her, but haven't been able to get all through her resistances.”

“It may take awhile for her to change, Tony. You know what happens to people who argue for their suffering, don't you?”

“No, what happens, BJ?”

“They get to keep it.”

Dealing with Dramas

In the early days of the Intenders we occasionally had people come to our circles with dramas they droned on and on about. We wanted to help these folks, but we realized that, oftentimes, they got things off track with their issues. We couldn't allow these situations to derail the flow of our Intention Circle, so we resolved them like this:

We would let the newcomers go on for two or three or four sentences, (just enough to get the gist of what they were dealing with), and then we would gently interrupt them with one all-important question,”What's your intention around all of that?

Invariably, they would regroup and state their intentions for the resolution of their dramas, often with a little help from others in the Circle who were good at coming up with great intentions. Time and time again, we watched them come back to our Circle a week or two later with smiles on their faces and gratitude for the intentions they'd made earlier that had manifested for them.

What if you believed
that your life is filled with magic and miracles
and that is all that can happen to you?
What if, before any thoughts of fear or lack came in,
you started out your day with that intention
– that only magic and miracles are coming to you?
Everything in your life would get better.

The Intenders Handbooks Quartet Sale

The Highest Good Quartet

Our most popular product nowadays is our Quartet of Intenders Handbooks. With the reprint of The Highest Light Teachings Handbook, we have completed our updated Quartet of The Intenders Handbook, The Highest Good Handbook, The Ascenders Handbook, and The Highest Light Teachings Handbook. Each of these 4 Handbooks are beautifully bound and each fits nicely in your pocket or purse so, like many of our readers, you can pick one up anytime anywhere and find positivity and upliftment.

At our current $14.95 special, you receive all 4 Handbooks for the price of 3. To order our Intenders Handbook Quartet in print or ebook, you can click here or on the button below.

NEW! The Highest Good Quartet  512 pages.    More info

See all of our Intenders Books and Ebooks Here.

About the Intenders

The Intenders of the Highest Good are committed to helping you integrate the Law of Attraction / Intention Process into your daily life. It is our firm intention that we all understand that our thoughts and words are the tools we use to create our everyday reality, including our good health and our abundance. Accordingly, in our books and newsletters, we tell stories and share messages designed to help you create the best possible future you can for yourself and others.

Because of the world situation in recent days, our last several newsletters have talked about applying the Law of Attraction to our health and well-being issues. We intend that the info in this newsletter serves you well. For the Highest Good of the Universe, ourselves and everyone concerned. So be it and so it is!


Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 12 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 3 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook, or on The Intenders YouTube Channel.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guide, Lee Ching), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii – and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we are seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light – even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.