M: “So, what is it that you really want?”
A: “I don't understand. What do you mean?”
M: “I mean . . . what do you truly want in your life? What will it take to make you happier than you are right now?”
A: (After a long pause), “Well, I want a lot of things: more money, a better job, more travel, a stable living environment, a more loving relationship, a lot of things . . .”
M: “So, what's keeping you from having these things?”
A: “I don't have a clue. It's like the world is against me. No matter what I'm wanting, it seems like it stays just out of my reach.”
M: “And what are you doing about that?”
A: “I'm truly lost. I don't know what to do.”
M: “OK, that's a start. Now, how about if we explore an area that wasn't covered in your schooling? How about if we begin to put your intentions to work on your behalf?”
A: “That sounds interesting. How do I do that?”
M: “You begin by getting up every morning and setting a direction for your day by saying something like, ‘I INTEND that I have more money, a better job, etc.'”
A: “That's too simple. I don't see how that's going to work.”
M: “I can't tell you how it works. Nobody knows exactly how the Intention Process / Law of Attraction works. We can only tell you that it does work. I can assure you that if you get up every morning and, before you begin your day, you say your intentions or prayers or affirmations, then, if it's for your Highest Good, the things you want in your life will come to you.”
A: “Are you sure about that?”
M: “Positively! The Intention Process / Law of Attraction always works – if you use it. Unfortunately, most folks weren't ever taught that their thoughts and words have anything to do with their daily experiences. Therefore, they don't do the one thing that would help them the most in life. They don't INTEND for the circumstances that will provide them with a happier, more enjoyable future.”
A: “So, you're saying that if I get up in the morning and intend that I have a newer car, it will come to me, yes?”
M: “If it's for your Highest Good, Yes! Per the Law of Attraction, it has to happen!”
A: “OK, that's beginning to make sense. I'll try it out. But, what with the worldly situations nowadays, I don't see any way we could have a good effect on our world simply by intending it. For instance, having world peace and a safe, sustainable, supportive environment seem so far out of reach at this point.”
M: ”Maybe for you, my friend. But not for me. You see, I know that things can change in an instant. One moment we could be swimming in chaos, and the very next moment we could be breathing a huge sigh of relief because an unforeseen event happened suddenly that caused humanity to awaken, en masse, to the wisdom of truly caring about one another and the Earth we live upon.”
A: “I guess anything's possible. So what can I do to have a realistic, positive effect on our world?”
M: “You can start with yourself. Say your intentions or prayers daily. Watch your words and thoughts more closely and withhold your attention and agreement from any thought or idea that doesn't feel good or sound like it is going to give you the future you're really wanting for yourself. And most important: don't hang out with folks who are habitually telling you that you can't have what you want.”
A: “OK, I can do that. But how will that affect the world at large? It seems almost impossible.”
M: “Again, you start within yourself. And understand that you may or may not notice an immediate change in the mainstream media or the world around you. You will, however, notice a big change in yourself. You'll be happier because you're getting the things you want ~ and that happiness will be reflected out into the world around you, and it will affect everyone it touches, and everyone they touch . . .”
A: “So, what you're saying is that what I'm really wanting is my happiness, independent of worldly circumstances.”
M: “Yes! Now you've got it. But always remember that the world, as it stands today, would have you remain unhappy and confused, stumbling around through life. It will tell you that you can't have the things you want, that they are unavailable, or that you can't afford them, and on and on. But your job is to disregard any of these worthless suggestions and make your intentions everyday.”
A: “And what will that do?”
M: “It will fulfill you, my friend. It will make you a happier person.”
TB 6/4/21