The Intenders of the Highest Good
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The Intenders Newsletter

July 2021

Table of Contents

~Changing the Movie ~ A Conversation
~A Vision for Harmonious Families
~What We Talk About is What We're Creating.
~Our Bestseller ~ The Quartet of Intenders Handbooks Sale
~An Encouraging Word from Lee Ching
~About the Intenders

Changing the Movie ~ A Conversation

A: “How can I have a positive effect on the world?”

M: “Which world are you talking about?”

A: “There's more than one world??”

M: (Chuckling) “Yes, of course there's more than one world! Once we step out of the all-embracing Oneness, there are many worlds outside you and many worlds inside of you. Which world are you referring to?”

A: “Hmmm. I hadn't looked at it that way. I guess I'm most interested in the one inside me. I want to be happy. The world outside me seems to be on a track of its own, and it isn't making me happy. In fact, it's downright scary sometimes.”

M: “I understand. Let me ask you another question: Where is the world outside you coming from?”

A: (Pauses, thinking) “I guess I don't know. They say it's all coming from God.”

M: “That's true. It is all coming from God. But how does that work?”

A: “Honestly, I don't have the slightest idea. That's why I'm asking you these questions!”

M: “Ok, my friend. Let's look at it a different way, shall we? What if it's all coming from inside you? What if the physical world you're perceiving is coming from inside of you, and not the other way around?”

A: “I don't understand.”

M: “I'm simply asking you if it's possible that you are projecting the world you see around you; that the world you see out there is actually coming from inside of you.”

A: “How can that be? That's impossible!”

M: “It's not only possible, it's what's really happening.”

A: “Please explain it to me. I'm lost.”

M: “Ok. Lately, you've been learning about the Law of Attraction and that everything that happens in your outer physical experience happens in your mind first, yes?”

A: “That's correct. Our thoughts come first, then our physical experiences.”

M: “So, taking it a step further, let's explore the example of a movie theater. When you're watching a movie in a theater, it's easy to become emotionally involved and get caught up in the drama, and forget that it's being projected from a projection booth that's somewhere in the back of the theater, right?”

A: “Right!”

M: “Your whole attention is focused on the movie to the point where you forget where it's coming from.”

A: “So?”

M: “So, it's the same in real life. We're looking outside ourselves and we get so enamored with what's going on that we neglect to ask ourselves where it's coming from. It has to be coming from somewhere, and what I'm suggesting to you is that, just like the Law of Attraction, it all originates from inside of you. You're operating the projector. You're the source of everything you are perceiving.”

A: “So, back to the question I started with: How can I have an effect on the world around me?”

M: “You start on the inside. You sit quietly, close your eyes and look inside long enough to see the projector come on. You'll know it by the light . . .”

A. “And what do I do then?”

M: “You change the movie, my friend. You replace the old tape with a new one that reflects the best possible ending you can imagine. You work from the inside out, not the outside in. You change your outer world by first changing your inner world.”

TB 7/2/21

You can have anything and everything
you could possibly dream of –
even a whole new world to live in.

A Vision for Harmonious Families

Today's Vision comes from our friend and longtime Intender from Kansas City, Shirley Fessel. Shirley's website is Thanks for such a beautiful, concise Vision, Shirley! We Align!

I see a world where love is so predominant within families that there is no question of there being enough to go around. Where siblings respect and show appreciation for each other and there is no question of rivalry or believing that one child is the favorite. Siblings support each other, lifting the one who needs help and all understanding the contribution of the parents. Children create new ways to exemplify supportive community among each other. No one feels left out or lonely.

I see parents showing wisdom in dealing with each child’s needs, with no unfavorable comparisons, harsh judgements or resentments. Parents know that children merely mirror what they have shown them and they correct any blind spots they may have about their own behavior. In this way each generation evolves into higher levels of consciousness and negative patterns of interacting from the past are abandoned and forgotten.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.



Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



We encourage you to Forward This Message to your friends directly from your Inbox. If this vision was sent to you from a friend, you can go to to sign up for The Vision Alignment Project. It's Free!

What We Talk About is What We're Creating

The summer is upon us; it's a time of gathering with friends and sharing casual conversations around picnic tables and patios. These conversations let us express our opinions as well as discharge some of the pent-up emotional energy we've accumulated due to unwanted experiences at work and elsewhere. We talk about the worldly situation, the changing weather, and how these things are affecting our health and happiness.

The more we keep our attention on happy, positive outcomes,
the happier, more positive and enjoyable our lives will be.

We tell ourselves that we'd like to be happy however, so much of the time we find ourselves conversing, complaining or commiserating about how the world is changing before our eyes – and we rarely realize that, in doing so, we're adding to our own challenges and unhappiness. Here's the point: when our casual chats with friends begin to feel uncomfortable or negative, we have the choice to contribute to our discomfort by agreeing with and reinforcing our worldly woes. Or, we can remain silent.

Of course, there's always the pressure to join in, if for no other reason than to be a part of the group. But does it serve us to add to our own future unwanted experiences by talking about them to everyone we meet? What we talk about is what we're creating. Wouldn't it be wiser to remain silent and not cause several other people to be thinking about our dramas, and having them unconsciously contributing to the creation of our undesirable experiences? Wouldn't it be better for all of us if we were able to hold our negative, dramatic observations in check, be silent, and speak only of positive, happy, desirable outcomes? That's how we bring all good things into our lives.

“I see good, say good and do good.
I accept the gifts from all my experiences.
I am living in grace and gratitude.
I Stay Positive.” (The Fifth intent of The Code)


Our Bestseller ~ The Quartet of Intenders Handbooks Sale

The Highest Good Quartet

Our most popular product nowadays is our Quartet of Intenders Handbooks. With the reprint of The Highest Light Teachings Handbook, we have completed our updated Quartet of The Intenders Handbook, The Highest Good Handbook, The Ascenders Handbook, and The Highest Light Teachings Handbook. Each of these 4 Handbooks are beautifully bound and each fits nicely in your pocket or purse so, like many of our readers, you can pick one up anytime anywhere and find positivity and upliftment.

At our current $14.95 special, you receive all 4 Handbooks for the price of 3. To order our Intenders Handbook Quartet in print or ebook, you can click here or on the button below.

The Intenders Quartet  512 pages.    More info

See all of our Intenders Books and Ebooks Here.

You can have anything and everything
you could possibly dream of –
even a whole new world to live in.

An Encouraging Word from Lee Ching

There is an unprecedented awakening occurring,
and more awakening will come out of each person reaching out for something higher
and knowing that there is more than the mundane life to be lived on this planet.
There can truly be a paradise on Earth
and you are bringing it into existence
by your believing in it, intending it, and envisioning it.

From What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages

About the Intenders

The Intenders of the Highest Good are committed to helping you integrate the Law of Attraction / Intention Process into your daily life. It is our firm intention that we all understand that our thoughts and words are the tools we use to create our everyday reality, including our good health and our abundance. Accordingly, in our books and newsletters, we tell stories and share messages designed to help you create the best possible future you can for yourself and others.

Because of the world situation in recent days, our last several newsletters have talked about applying the Law of Attraction to our health and well-being issues. We intend that the info in this newsletter serves you well. For the Highest Good of the Universe, ourselves and everyone concerned. So be it and so it is!


The Intenders Newsletters, The Bridge Messages at and The Vision Alignment Project are written by Tony Burroughs. One of the more prolific visionaries of our time, he is the author of 12 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 3 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook, or on The Intenders YouTube Channel.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guide, Lee Ching), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii – and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

We encourage you to forward this newsletter to your friends. This newsletter is sent to Intenders Newsletter and The Intenders Bridge subscribers. If you have received this message in duplicate or in error and would like to be removed from our list, please accept our apologies and use the remove link below.

The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we are seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light – even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.