The Intenders of the Highest GoodShare This Newsletter

The Intenders Newsletter

January 2021

Table of Contents

~Our Two “New” Intenders Websites

~The Highest Good Handbook on Transmuting Health Issues

~A Word about the Times We’re Living Going Through

~The Law of Agreement – Playing Catch with Germs

~A Vision for Enlightened Education

Our Two “New” Intenders Websites


We’re Celebrating! Our main Intenders Website and our popular Vision Alignment Project website have both been completely overhauled and updated during the holidays. As many of you know, we experienced some down time during the migration process, especially with the temporary loss of our beloved Vision Alignment Project YES Button. Now, however, the YES Button is back and our new sites are launched and ready for your inspection. If you notice any typos, links that aren’t correct, or other issues please let us know so we can fix them as soon as possible.

It is our intention that these “new” Intenders sites make your experience with us even better than before and that more and more people everyday discover these empowering sites and are uplifted by them. You can visit them now by going to: and

PS: We’ve added a page to our website for those of you who want to know more about the History of the Intenders. You can Click Here to read our new Intenders History page.

The Highest Good Handbook on Transmuting Health Issues

It’s a strange custom in our culture to talk openly, even casually, about our friends who are sick. I was at a party recently standing next to a group of ladies who were gabbing about our mutual friend, Nicole, and her health issues. This was supposed to be a gathering of spiritually-minded people, so when I heard them mention a doctor’s thoughtless diagnosis, I couldn’t help but interrupt.

“You know,” I said, “you’re not helping Nicole by what you’re chatting about. Thoughts are things, and they instantly cross the ethers and are received by the person you’re discussing. This reinforces her illness, instead of her wellness. Is that what you really want to be doing for our friend?”

Well, it caught them off-guard at first, and they stopped talking just long enough for it to settle in. After a moment, one of them thanked me for the reminder, and the others nodded in agreement. Then they asked how they could be helping Nicole, and I said, “Why don’t we all see her at her best, full of happiness, and in perfect health?”

In that instant, the whole tone of the conversation shifted, and we all felt better because we knew that we were doing something to help Nicole, rather than harming her.

If a friend of yours

is telling you how sick they are

and everything that’s wrong with them,

always remember to see them in their perfection.

If you add to their illness by your belief in it,

you are not doing them any good.


The Highest Good Handbook


When we transmute our health issues, we’re rising above that which could affect us negatively, rendering it helpless in the face of our intent and determination. No longer are we subjected to unwanted experiences because, now, we’ve learned to change or transmute them. No longer will we be influenced into miscreating a situation that doesn’t serve us or our fellow travelers. Instead, we look at every idea that comes our way and ask ourself whether it serves us or not. If it’s something we really want to be creating, we can move toward it. If, on the other hand, our new viewpoint or belief doesn’t seem like something we’d want to be manifesting, then we transmute it by simply overlooking it and maintaining a positive point of view. Unless we’ve been poisoned, it always helps to remember that we get sick because we’re taught to get sick. We’re programmed for it. We learn it from others. Germ theory is a good example. Most people believe that germs are the cause of our illnesses, neglecting to realize that our diseases, like everything else in our lives, begin in our thoughts. When we were very young, someone taught us that germs can make us sick. We believed them, and because of the Law of Attraction, we opened ourselves up to catching all sorts of maladies from others. Again, it’s the thought of germs that makes us susceptible to their insidious manifestations.

Click here to Look Inside The Highest Good Handbook

A Word about the Times We’re Living Going Through


Oftentimes things may be happening all around you
that seem to be discordant,

and you cannot imagine what’s going on.

But you must remain focused and steadfast,

and be able to see through,

and not get caught up in all the worldly dramas

that are constantly being perpetuated on this planet.


The times we’re going through have to play themselves out so we can get on with creating a life that is always in support of us. That’s our birthright – and yet we’ve become sidetracked along the way by handing our personal power over to others who don’t have our best interests or the highest good at heart. The trick for those of us who truly intend to evolve and enjoy our lives to the fullest is to learn to keep the mainstream consensus reality in perspective. We need not agree with or align ourselves with a crowd that is lining up to jump over a cliff. Instead, we have the innate ability – each and every one of us – to remain balanced, centered and serene regardless of what those around us are doing.

In order for you to go to the next level,
you must unify with your higher self.
Your higher self sees everything
as if it were a play going on in your life.
It sees things from a higher place,
as if you were standing on a mountain top
and looking down upon it all.


That’s how we do it. We watch and we wait. We observe. We witness. We stand on the top of the mountain and look down on it all as if it’s happening in a movie. The movie isn’t real and the play that’s going on around us is only as real as we believe it is. We can learn to overlook it all and turn our agreement and our attention, instead, toward the positive side of life. Our job is to let the old cumbersome ways go so that the new supportive ways can come in and take their place. And we do this, one person at a time. As you begin to turn those pesky negative thoughts around and replace them with thoughts that serve you and your fellow travelers, you not only bring all of us closer to our highest fulfillment; you a giant step out of the mainstream and into your joy.

The Law of Agreement – Playing Catch with Germs

~ Remember ~

it is we who create our reality,

not somebody else

unless we give them our agreement


As we watch what’s happening in our world today, we see that so much of our present and future happiness depends on the ideas, beliefs and the people we agree with. Now more than ever we need to remember that our agreement with any issue is always, without exception, up to us. Nobody can make us think what they want us to think if we don’t let them. When we agree with someone about an issue that we wouldn’t really want to manifest for ourselves, we reinforce it. We make it larger and stronger. However, when we withhold our agreement from a belief that is no longer serving us, we weaken it. We take away its power.

That said, we’re spotlighting The Law of Agreement now, at the beginning of 2021, with the intention that people everywhere begin to withhold their agreement from ideas that won’t bring them the results they really want for themselves, and that we’re all agreeing only with ideas that serve the Highest Good for all.

Law of Agreement


Click here to Look Inside The Law of Agreement

“The Law of Agreement by Tony Burroughs should be required reading in every classroom in the country!”
~Frank Slagle, Mystic Forest Bookstore, Mountain Home, AR


Here is an excerpt from The Law of Agreement called Playing Catch


One of the most pervasive of all the same old tricks being shoved at us is contagion. Also known as Playing Catch, it suggests that we can catch sicknesses from other people – and this is true, but only under one condition: we have to believe that we can.

It’s no different than when we were kids and someone said “Hey, let’s play catch!” and they threw the ball at us. In most cases, we couldn’t resist reaching out and catching it. In real life, however, it’s not wise for us to reach out and catch every ball that comes our way. We serve ourselves and all those around us better if we simply let the ball go by, and go on about our day.

Playing Catch describes the entire foundation upon which contagiousness or “Germ Theory” is built. It depends, 100 per cent, on our gullibility, on our openness to reach out and believe in ideas that don’t serve us, but which engender huge profits for those who have a vested interest in them.

Germ Theory is just a theory – it is not a fact at all. It would have us believing that a bunch of little bitty bugs are out to get us. We are shown pictures of these little bugs swimming around in Petri dishes or on microscope slides, and we are told that what we are seeing is very dangerous. To make matters worse, we are also told that if we come into contact with someone else who has a few of these bugs in them, then we could catch whatever sickness they have. This ploy has been used for thousands of years, but its days are numbered now as we begin to delve deeper into how it all works.

For it to work, we have to believe what we are told about the little bitty bugs. We have to forget that our thoughts, and not a bunch of little bugs, are creating our experiences. Furthermore, we have to give our power over to those who make these conscience-less suggestions, and in doing so, two things occur: 1.) We open ourselves to having to deal with all sorts of maladies; and 2.) We separate ourselves all the more from our fellowmen and women. . .

A Vision for Enlightened Education

Hello beautiful Intender staff,

I would like to submit the following vision.

Peace, Light & Love,

David Diamond



A Vision for Enlightened Education


The purpose of education is to prepare children for the world that they will shape as they grow, and for growing into their greatest potential.

I envision educational basics as nurturingly focusing on self-worth, self-esteem, choosing positive, good-feeling thoughts, understanding and ascending the emotional frequencies, and developing positive relationships & interactions with other humans, with our planet and entire environment, with the Universe, with our intuition, and with the manner in which we shape reality.

I see children being taught about their greater Selves, about contacting and responding to Inner Wisdom, about the frequency of pure Love and Self-Love, about others as mirrors for their own state of consciousness, perceptions and expectations, and about their responsibility for their own expansion and the expansion of others and of the rest of Creation.

I see children being taught about the balance and interrelationship of intellect and intuition, of linear and parallel understanding, of art and science, of Self and other, and, in appropriate language, of duality and unity. I see them being taught multi-perspective thinking, limits of a single mode of understanding, and the infinite process of breaking through one paradigm ceiling after another.

This is not an intellectual understanding as might be taught in a graduate metaphysics program, but rather a simple, playful, interactive understanding imparted by example, experiment and free discussion.

I see children becoming skilled in the role of thought and feeling in the creation of reality. And developing their awareness, discernment, and their ability to observe their thoughts, and deliberately choose effective and positive ones.

I see adolescents being shown the difference between unconditional love, and conditional love that is based on scripts, expectations and manipulation. I see them learning the skills of nurturing parenting from prenatal to adulthood.

And, of course, the schools will also teach the pragmatic areas of knowledge that we have provided in the past, but from an enlightened viewpoint, such as the need for new systems of understanding as we expand into new areas, and the focusing on what we want to manifest rather than on a dark history.

I see a system of education where individual and planetary support is a primary focus.

Are you in Alignment with this Vision?


You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button or Link below.






Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.

To SIGN UP for the VAP, Click here.


Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 12 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 3 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook, or on The Intenders YouTube Channel.


To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guide, Lee Ching), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii – and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we’re seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light – even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.