The Intenders of the Highest Good
Take your next step in life.
Learn the Intention Process and Become a Mighty Manifestor!
Tools for Manifesting Your Dreams
Over the last twenty-five years, the Intenders of the Highest Good have helped people all over the world integrate the Intention Process into their daily lives, both individually and in community. Embodied in the Intenders information is a call to take our next step in life, and it provides us with the free tools to do it. The Code, The Bridge, The Intenders Circle, The Law of Agreement, The Vision Alignment Project and The Intention Process are all models for uplifting the individual and the group—and, at the same time, lining everyone up with the Highest Good.
It Happened at an Intenders Circle
“When I arrived at my first Intenders Circle, I was homeless. I’d been trying to find a way to scrape up enough money to rent a small place, but things just weren’t working out for me. I was getting desperate!
“My friends who took me to the Intenders Circle told me not to hold back. So I made an intention to find a place of my own where I would be very, very happy – and that it come to me freely and easily.
“It wasn’t two days later and a lady who had been at the meeting called me and said she was going abroad for at least three years. She’d thought about selling her house, but it was such a lovely custom home, right down by the beach, that she couldn’t bring herself to part with it. Maybe she’d be back someday, but, in the meantime, would I be interested in caretaking it for free?”
Karen Reid (from The Intenders Handbook)

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Intenders of the Highest Good